
There are many things I don’t understand,

Life, the Universe, and the idea of God,

Once in a while my heart would skip a beat,

But never has it come to a grinding halt.

Then one day everything did stop,

The only emotion moving was you,

You stepped into my life that decisive day,

At that moment I knew my fate.

I had thought my life was already set,

But know I know not where it is heading,

There is one thing that I do know,

My life would be complete with you by my side.

Most of the time I follow my brain,

But today I follow my heart,

The wrapping my be torn and crumpled,

But the present is unexpectedly grand.

It’s really strange, this feeling I have,

Never did I believe it existed,

A foreign contentness fills me as I look into your eyes,

A longing to share my all with you.

This may make you laugh or ponder,

It may make you frown or shed a tear,

I hope that it will always bring a smile,

But one thing will always hold true,

My heart beats only to love you.

Conan Tigard