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The Amber Swords is the first book in The Amber Armor series. It is a Fantasy novel.
On the planet Keplar, in the land of Chelt, there are many intelligent races. Most of them have mutated from humans during the Century of Creation, and now the Blorcs (black orcs) have grown strong enough to attack all other races. A prophesy was once foretold of a human male that would be born from amber magic who would someday unite the races. But prophesies aren’t always fulfilled, and now the power that was intended for one has ended up in two.
Maidawn is a sixteen-year-old human who will be called upon by Alizabet the Enchantress to travel across the land of Chelt to find the one person who can help her understand how to master her magic, the mage Theleisium. Having grown up with the welcorgs in Whails, Maidawn knows little about other humans. Maidawn has amber magic in her very core, but she doesn’t know how to control it. Hopefully, the enchantress can show her how harness this powerful magic while they make their way to Theleisium.
Maidawn and Alizabet leave the village of Whails with her brother, a young Welcorg warrior, named Zift. He has vowed to keep Maidawn alive and to safely return her home someday. During their travels, they are joined by a feisty Yellow-Bearded Dwarf named Thorfrn Throkreaver, a female Elf named Cyereth, and a male Centaur named Branch. They must all learn to work together with the hope that they can make it to Theleisium safely.
Shorn is the Blorc prince, born on the same day as Maidawn, and has amber magic within him also. After he has a vision of Maidawn and her swords, he knows that he must track her down, as his new amber chainmail hauberk has the same symbols on it as Maidawn’s swords. Feeling that they are somehow linked, he sets out with his best friend, a smelly Green Goblin named Stench, to travel the breadth of Chelt to find this human girl.
The king of the Blorcs sends his personal guard, the Black Plague, after Maidawn to retrieve her swords. Grizill Toefungus and six of his most fearsome warriors head out to kill the human girl and bring her swords to the Blorc king. The Blorc mage, Reilyk the Red, also felt the magic that Maidawn used the first time her magic was activated. Greedy for more power, he’ll do anything to gain her unique magic.
With everyone after her, will Maidawn be able to cross the mountains to the forest beyond where the only person in the world lives who can train her in the ways of amber magic? Or will some nefarious beings with ill intent prevent her from making it there? The fate of all the races is in her hands.