First Year

A year quickly flew by,

In the blink of an eye,

With walks on the sand,

And a ring on your hand.

The business you had bought,

Was wrought with fraught,

It taxed your mind and body,

But you remained quite the hottie.

When you lost Casa Bella,

I was still your steadfast fella,

Standing beside you through it all,

Supporting you should you fall.

The May wedding was quite grand,

At Five Pine we did stand,

We said our vows and kissed,

Intertwined, our lives now twist.

To Tacoma we did head,

To find you laying in a bed,

The operation was a success,

What was coming we could not guess.

Soon at home you were resting,

Walking with a cane you were protesting,

Hobbling about on your walker,

Letting you sleep and not being a talker.

Months pass by and you did assert,

You hip is better and your knees now hurt,

Physical therapy is trying to correct,

Kneecaps to the side they have trekked.

A new job now awaits,

Taking us out of desperate straights,

And through it all of this I knew,

How deeply my love runs for you.

Conan Tigard

February 14, 2009