Kepler & Chelt
Year 2051
A quarter of a million humans, along with flora and fauna, left Earth for a planet that had been discovered by the Kepler Exploration Mission. This planet, which is very far away from Earth, is almost the same size and mass and is very similar in composition. Five huge ships left the planet and traveled through space for a voyage lasting over seventy years. Most of the people and animals were put in suspended animation and didn’t age during the trip.
Year 2122
When the travelers woke, only four of the ships successfully made the journey. No one knows what happened to the fifth ship.
The people settled on Kepler, as they name the planet, and build settlements. They picked Chelt, which is one of the smaller land masses, rather than one of the larger ones, because it was covered with trees, something they needed to build their homes. Their towns thrived with the technology they brought with them. The population grew quickly into sprawling cities.
Year 2314
A giant asteroid slammed into the planet and broke into thousands of pieces. This rock, which was full of air pockets, released a gas that reacted with the atmosphere. The result of the impact was a massive buildup of clouds that soon covered the entire planet. Rain began to fall, but this wasn’t normal rain. There was something in the water which caused certain humans, animals, and plants to mutate.
During this one hundred year period of cloud cover, which is called the Century of Creation, many changes occurred to this planet and the creatures that lived on it. Some humans were unaffected by the rain. Other humans were affected, but did not die. They started rapidly changing . . . mutating. It was a painful process and over time they became the other races that live there today, like elves, dwarves, goblins, trolls, blorcs, centaurs, harpies and so forth.
Some races mutated from other animals like dogs and horses and became welcorgs, maticores, opposcoon, griffins, cowoats, groats, unicorns, and more. Unfortunately, a lot of animals also died out, either mutating in a way in which they couldn’t survive, or being killed off by other new species recently created.
Year 4095
Brother Aramis from St. Randall’s Sanctuary had a vision. He saw one person leading the humans against their most dreaded foe, eventually winning the battle and unifying all of the races. He couldn’t see clearly who that person would be, but he did make note of the armor and weapons the person wore in his vision.
Brother Aramis convinced his brothers of the truth of the prophecy, and for the next five years, they worked on creating those items by using both muscle and magic. He had two swords forged, a chainmail hauberk, a helm, gauntlets, boots, and a ring. He saw this person wearing all of these items in his vision, wielding great magic, and conquering the blorcs with their allies in a bloody battle.
Year 5102
The blorcs became envious of the humans and the technology within their cities. The blorcs amassed and marched across Chelt, killing every human they come upon and grinding towns and cities to dust. They were only stopped when the Blackbeard Dwarves of Mt. Forsaken stood up to them for five bloody days and stopped the blorcs from progressing any further. The blorcs eventually turned around and returned home to Strudhyne, where they have remained ever since, begrudgingly so.
Year 5599
The blorcs are once again massing, getting ready to spread out over all of Chelt and kill off all of the intelligent races.