Main Characters
(in alphabetical order)
The Amber Swords
Alizabet the Enchantress
Race: Human
Weapon: Staff
Special Abilities: White Magic
Age: 422 years
Alizabeth the Enchantress has studied every book and scroll in the Great Library of Devinshyre, the last stronghold of the humans. Her knowledge of human history is unparalleled on the planet of Kepler.
She and Theleisium brought forth the Aramis Prophesy and created both Maidawn and Shorn.
Her mission is to find the prophesized one and return “him” to Theliesium for training. When she discovers that he is not a he, but, rather a she, Alizabet hopes that Maidawn will still be able to somehow user her amber magic to reunite the races.
After all, it was Alizabet’s hesitation during the spell weaving with Theliesium that caused the amber magic to split and go separate ways.
Although she is 422 years old, she appears to be in her early 40’s. She wears dark green robes, has her hair pulled back in a ponytail, and carries a staff that is twisted and gnarly. It has a large sapphire gemstone on top of it that radiates a blue glow.

Brauryndor Freaster of House Aunkshar du Hapleringer “Braunk”
Race: Centaur
Weapon: Halberd
Special Abilities: Strength & Intelligence
Age: 25 years
Brauryndor Freaster of House Aunkshar du Hapleringer, known as Braunk for short, is a centaur from the Cayuse Plains. He is from the centaur capital city of Yärum. He spends his days patrolling the plains on the lookout for yellow goblins, which live nearby in the Winsome Chasm in the cliff city of Yelve.
Centaurs are the only beings that the blorcs fear. They are fast on their hooves and one of the more intelligent species on Chelt. They are known for philosophizing, healing, and, unfortunately for the blorcs, warfare. Since they have healing magic, if they are injured in battle, they can quickly cast a spell and heal themselves. As for strength, they are three times as strong as your typical human.
Braunk’s favorite weapon is a halberd, a six-foot long pole that has an axe blade on one end and is topped with a foot-long spike. Using both hands, while running down a foe, he can either spear them on the end of the spike or swing the halberd in a mighty arc and slice his enemy in half. He is a powerful warrior and someone to be feared.

Cyereth of Ellÿssiúm
Race: Elf
Weapon: Elven Longbow
Elven Magical Abilities: Accurate with Projectile Weapons
Age: 57 years
Cyereth lives in Ellÿssiúm and is a scout. Her job is to roam the Jade Mountain Range looking for anything that might be a danger to her home tree and her people. She is friends with Alizabet and has known her for quite some time.
Although Cyereth is proficient with a multitude of projectile weapons, her favorite is the Elven Longbow that has been in her family for over 500 years. While in the elven valley, the magic of Ellÿssiúm keeps her quiver filled. With her magical ability, Cyereth can shoot an arrow accurately at a distance of approximately 800 feet.
Elves are extremely long-lived. So, even though Cyereth is 57 years old, she only appears to be around 19 years of age. She has medium-length dark brown hair and is a head taller than Maidawn. She is very quick and nimble, and can easily pace Zift when he runs.

Maidawn of Whails
Race: Human
Weapon: Amber Swords “Jati” & “Torrid”
Special Abilities: Call Forth Lightning / Communicate with the Hourm
Age: 16 years
Maidawn was created by Amber Magic. The magic resides within her body. She is in the process of learning how to control it, but she has yet to fully understand it.
Maidawn was raised by the welcorgs in the village of Whails in the Sherran Hills. Even though the welcorgs aren’t human, Maidawn loves her mother, Betishine, and her father, Angustus, and her two brothers. Her older brother Zift is eleven years old. He has been training to be a warrior and will someday be the leader of the village. Wrecker is Maidawn’s younger brother, and he is a little over one year old.
Maidawn has always known that she was different from the welcorgs, but having never met another human before, she knows relatively nothing about her race. Her father made wooden swords for her when she was ten years old. He suspected that she might be the one from the Aramis Prophesy, so she needed to learn how to use swords. For six years, she has practiced with them, learning how to use them by pure instinct alone.
Now that she has her amber swords, whose names are Jati and Torrid, her entire life changes when the magic within her suddenly activates and explodes out of her body. Every mage in Chelt felt that magic outburst. Alizabet, knowing that time is short, hurries to Maidawn’s village so she can beat any evil mages that might also want the power of the Amber Magic. Thus begins her perilous journey across Chelt where Maidawn will be called upon to become the leader that Theleisium and Alizabet hope she will be.

Race: Human
Weapon: Wand
Special Abilities: White Magic
Age: 469 years
Theliesium is a human mage who has lived for over half of a century. Mastering White Magic extends the lifespan of the magic user, so that every ten years that pass on the planet only age him one year. Since he was an apprentice to a mage when he was eight years old, he currently looks like he is around fifty years old.
Theleisium wears a dark blue robe, which is tattered and torn, but still wearable. His slicked back black hair is shoulder-length and sprinkled with gray hairs. His beard is short and closely-cropped. It comes to a point at a couple of inches below his chin and runs along the border of his jawline, no thicker than his pinky. The hair on his chin is noticeably grayer than the hair on his head.
Theleisium came into possession of the Aramis Prophesy sixty years ago. After finally translating it, he realized that he would need another magic user to bring the prophesy to life. He hunted down Alizabet and finally convinced her to join him. Together, after a night of spell-weaving on the specified day, they become responsible for the births of Maidawn and Shorn via the Amber Magic they send out into the world.
While Alizabet goes off to hunt down the prophesized one, Theliesium returns to Devinshyre to research the possible location of the six magical items that comprise the Amber Armor. He knows that all six pieces of armor will be required to be worn by the prophesized one, if Alizabet can find him.

Thorfrn Throkreaver
Race: Yellow-Bearded Dwarf
Weapon: Battleaxe “Bloodedge Skullsplitter”
Special Abilities: Detects Precious Stones
Age: 30 years
Thorfrn Throkreaver is a Yellow-Bearded Dwarf from Mt. Whitestone. When he was eighteen, he left his home and began searching for precious stones in the Jade Mountain Range. His father is a bladesmith and needed some stones for the weapons he makes. Thorfrn spent years searching and he finally found a mountain near the southern end of the range where he could smell the stones within. He worked the mine for a couple of years, building quite a pile of stones until disaster struck.
Like all dwarves, Thorfrn is pretty set in his ways. Even though he is relatively young, as dwarves live about twice as long as humans, he grumbles a lot, like a cranky, old man. Being around five feet tall and fairly dense, he avoids deep water at all costs because he will sink like a stone. He has a yellow beard that is only about three inches in length, as he isn’t old enough yet to have grown the full dwarven beard that his father is so proud of. He wears his battleaxe strapped to the front of his chest in a specially-designed harness.
Thorfrn has this to say about his battleaxe, “There be a legend about a battleaxe that was made for the first king of the dwarves, Hrothmer, by the famous blacksmith, Cromgrn. He spent a year shapin’ the precious metal that would be used to make that axe. This metal be found in one place on the planet, and that be under Mt. Whitestone, in a deep chamber at the heart of the mountain. After the axe was created, the runes were added by a master carver and then infused with magic by the high priest. When it was given to Hrothmer so he could fight the invadin’ blorc armies, the runes were said to glow and Hrothmer’s strength would increase tenfold. He and his battalion of dwarves were able to hold off the blorcs and then defeat them in the first Cheltian War.”
He carries Bloodedge Skullsplitter proudly.

Zift of Whails
Race: Welcorg
Weapon: Metal Retractable Claws “Ripper”
Special Abilities: None
Age: 11 years
Zift is a welcorg, a warrior breed of dog that has mutated to be the size of a small horse. Angustus explains about them best when he is telling his young daughter Maidawn all about how they came to be. “Welsh Corgis,” Angustus continued, “were herders and loved to chase things. They were a very playful dog and were loved by all, as they were extremely cute. Our ancestors were short, with stumpy little legs but fairly long bodies. As the centuries passed, we evolved out of our dwarfish bodies as our legs lengthened and our torsos elongated and thickened. Over the first thousand years after the change began, we continued to increase in size and mass. As we grew, our legs became more powerful, and our paws grew fingers that we could retract when we run. Our teeth also grew in length for fighting, and our ears increased in height, helping us to hear great distances. Paralleling the increase in size, our intelligence also evolved, and we began to speak like we do now. These changes enabled us to become the most ferocious warriors on four legs on the planet!”
Zift of Whails is Maidawn’s oldest brother, as he was born four years after Maidawn was brought to the village. She also has a younger brother named Wrecker, but he is still a puppy. She had a sister, but they don’t talk about her. Zift is destined to be the leader of Whails after his father, Angustus, abdicates. During the last nine years of his life, he has been training to be a warrior. He wears armor on his neck and back. Welcorgs utilize their teeth to great advantage, and they can use their pawhands to attack opponents.
Before Zift leaves Whails with Maidawn and Alizabet, his father gives him a pair of magical claws that he straps onto his front pawhands. Each claw can call forth three extremely sharp blades to slice at opponents when he rears back. The claws are named Ripper and will only answer to him.
Zift loves Maidawn and vows that he will always protect her. He promises that he will return his sister to Whails when her quest is finished. He sincerely hopes that he will be able to fulfil his promise.