Conan Tigard The Amber Swords

Chapter Names

What Do They Mean?

In The Amber Armor series, I try to come up with names of chapters that are both descriptive  and fun. I may use song names, famous sayings, not famous sayings, quotes from a movie, or just about anything. Each of them have a meaning to me. Some of them don’t come to me right away. Those I think about for hours, usually unhappy with the results.

Anyway, here is a description of each of The Amber Swords chapter name and what they mean (to me).

Prologue – Two Hearts Beat as One

The title “Two Hearts Beat as One” could refer to the white mage Theleisium and Elizabet the Enchantress as they perform their spell-weaving to bring the Aramis Prophecy to life. But that isn’t the case.

This title actually refers to the birth of Shorn and Maidawn. What was supposed to be one prince born with all of the Amber magic turns out to be a blorc prince and a human girl born on the same night and sharing that same Amber magic.

The title comes from a song by U2 in 1983 by this very name.


Chapter 1 – Home Sweet Home

The title “Home Sweet Home” simple refers to Maidawn in Whails. It has been the only home has known, living with the welcorgs. She loves it here and would never think of leaving. With her mother, Betishine, her father, Angustus, and her two brothers, Zift and Wrecker, she has had a pretty good life in Whails.

This title is something I saw a lot of in my childhood in my friends’ houses. It was usually an embroidered saying in a frame that hung on the wall in the living room or near the front door.

Chapter 2 – You Say It’s Your Birthday

The title “You Say It’s Your Birthday” simply refers to Maidawn’s sixteenth birthday. 

This title comes from a song by The Beatles on their 1968 double album simple entitled The Beatles. But, since the record album was just a white cover with the name of the band in all caps, the album became known as The White Album. The title of this chapter is the first line in the song “Birthday.”


Chapter 3 – When the Lightning Strikes

The title “When the Lightning Strikes” simply refers to the first time Maidawn accidentally uses her Amber magic. She doesn’t know it, but she calls down lightning from the clouds above to strike all around her.

This title comes from a song by Aerosmith by the same name. It was released in 1982 after they got back together and it was the only charting song from the album, Rock in a Hard Place.


Chapter 4 – Welcorgs, Assemble!

The title “Welcorgs, Assemble!” refers to the time when Alizabet the Enchantress enters the welcorg village of Whails on the back of a unicorn. All of the welcorg warriors surround her, ready to attack if need be. Therefore, they assembled.

Well, this is an easy one for an Marvel Studios fans. It’s a reference to the Avengers comic books, first being uttered back in 1963. But it took on a whole new meaning with the fourth Avengers film, Endgame when the heroes gathered their forces to fight Thanos. It is a truly awesome scene. That is what I was referring to with this title.


Chapter 5 – Past, Present, and Future

The title “Past, Present, and Future” refers to time.

For the Past, Alizabet tells the story about the past when the human first came to Kepler and the settling of Chelt. 

For the Present, well, that is what Maidawn and Zift are doing at that moment, living in the present.

For the Future, Alizabet talks about why Maidawn was created and how she can use her Amber magic to help unify the intelligent species on the planet.

Chapter 6 – The Hills are Alive

The title “The Hills are Alive” refers to the journey that Alizabet, Maidawn, and Zift are taking through the Sherran Hills, a grass-covered region of small hills.

This is a very famous song from the musical Broadway play and 1965 movie called “The Sound of Music” by Rodgers & Hammerstein. It’s the opening song for the movie and is sung by Julie Andrews.

This was the movie that my mother always had us watch every year when it would come on tv, way back before VHS tapes, DVDs, the internet, and streaming services. This was back in the days when you had four, maybe five, channels and had a black and white television with no remote control.

This is an awesome movie. If you haven’t seen it, put it on your Must Watch list.


Chapter 7 – Three is a Magic Number

The title “Three is a Magic Number” refers the party of three, Alizabet, Maidawn, and Zift, as they travel through the Sherran Hills at the start of their adventure.

Growing up in the mid-1970’s, I lived for Saturday morning cartoons. There weren’t any cartoons on after school. And on ABC, between the shows, the channel aired Schoolhouse Rock. These were all education cartoons with catchy songs (I still love them today). The one called “Three is a Magic Number” was the first video Michael Eisner commissioned and it is one of my favorites. It is all about multiplying by three.


Chapter 8 – An Axe, an Axe, me Stones for an Axe

The title “An Axe, an Axe, me Jewels for an Axe” refers to the loss of the Yellow-Bearded Dwarf’s axe. When Thorfrn Throkreavers’ mine collapses, he looses his axe and piles of precious uncut stones in the cave-in. The only thing has has left is a his pick and a few stones in his pocket for his pa. He would give up all his remaining stones to have his axe back.

This title is altered from the original, “A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse!” quote from the William Shakespeare play Richard III, Act 5, scene 4, line 13.

Chapter 9 – ‘Ware the Willow

The title “‘Ware the Willow” refers to the evil, black willowy tree outside the cabin that the party finds on the trail in the foothills of the Jade Mountain Range. ‘Ware is short for Beware, like something and old timer might say.

I always remember hearing things like “Beware the (something or other)” for movies coming out in the 1970’s and 1980’s. This chapter title is just taken from that. So, look out for the willowy tree! It’ll get ‘cha!

Chapter 10 – To Bold Go

The title “To Boldly Go” refers the party starting up into the heart of the Jade Mountain Range. Maidawn and Zift have never been in the mountain before and they are boldly heading into a new territory.

Star Trek has always been a love of mine, for as long as can remember. Back when I was a kid watching my black and white tv, Star Wars didn’t exist. If I wanted Science Fiction, there was only Star Trek and Lost in Space. I begrudging watched Lost in Space, not liking Dr. Smith or the kid, but loving the robot. But Star Trek, now, that was da bomb!

This title name is one of the things that Captain James T. Kirk, played by William Shatner, says in the opening monologue.


Chapter 11 – An Elf by Any Other Name

The title “An Elf by Any Other Name” refers to the meeting of Cyereth of House Párrïgê, one of the elves of Ellÿssiúm.

This title is altered from the original, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet!” quote from the William Shakespeare play Romeo and Juliet, Act 2, scene 2.

Chapter 12 – The Wonderful World of Elves

The title “The Wonderful World of Elves” refers the party arriving at Ellÿssiúm, the home of the elves.

I grew up watching Disney. I loved everything about Disney. Once of my favorites was a tv show on Sunday night called The Wonderful World of Disney. This chapter title is a just a play on that fantastic Disney show that was for the entire family.


Chapter 13 – One Tree to Top Them All

The title “One Tree to Top Them All” refers to the elven hometree, Ellÿssiúm. This orange tree with blue leaves is the home of the elves. It is over fifteen hundred feet tall and reaches above than the lowest layer of clouds. The trunk is over two hundred feet wide at the base. It was able to easily house all of the elves and is their one true home in the land of Chelt.

For any lover of Fantasy, you will know where this title come from. From the mind of J.R.R. Tolkien, the One Ring, also called the Ruling Ring and Isildur’s Bane, is a central plot element in his The Lord of the Rings books and movies. Dark Lord Sauron forged this ring to rule all of the other rings, thus the one ring to rule them all.


Chapter 14 – Crustacean Invasion

The title “Crustacean Invasion” refers the the armadillïdii attacking Ellÿssiúm. Think of an armadillïdii about three feet long and a foot tall. I just liked the way this title sounded.

These woodlice are everywhere. As a child, I was fascinated by them. I always made sure that I never accidentally stepped on them. I always loved it when they would roll up into a little ball to protect themselves. They are so cute. I liked to put them in my hand and have them walk around. Where I grew up in Houston, Texas, we called them Doodlebugs. It wasn’t until I moved to California that I heard them referred to as Pill Bugs. Psst…I still call them Doodlebugs.

To learn more about the Armadillidiidae, click on the image.

pill bug

Chapter 15 – What Lurks Below

The title “What Lurks Below” refers Zift’s stand-alone adventure when he falls into an abandoned well. Is there danger below the ground? What will he find down there? Is he safe? Or will this be the end of Zift the welcorg?

This title was just something I made up when thinking about this chapter. It really only begs the question as to whether there is any danger from creatures that may live below the ground level.

Chapter 16 – I Can See for Myles

The title “I Can See for Myles” refers to party reaching the wide open Cayuse Plains where they could literally see for miles.

As a major fan of 1960’s and 1970’s Rock and Rock, one of the bands I always enjoyed listening to is the British band The Who. This song was released in 1967 and has always been one of favorite Who songs. This title was a no-brainer for me. And, all I had to was change Miles to Myles to match the book.


Chapter 17 – The Green Dagger

The title “The Green Dagger” refers to the dagger that Cyereth stumbled on. It is a magical dagger that holds a significant place in Elven history, even though she know nothing about it.

I didn’t come up with anything fancy or fun for this one. It is simply a description of a weapon in the story. How boring is that?

Chapter 18 – Enter Sandyman

The title “Enter Sandyman” refers to party all falling asleep when a sleeping spell overtakes them. Thorfrn should have been turned the other way.

This song title just needed an extra letter entered. When Enter Sandman song came out in 1991, I was not a Metallica fan. That changed instantly. I have been a major fan ever since. For me, there is no better Metal band. These guys are awesome. Still, I have yet to see them in concert. Maybe some day.


Chapter 19 – Front and Centaur

The title “Front and Centaur” refers the meeting Braunk, a centaur from the Cayuse Plains. Unfortunately, the party does not meet him under the best of circumstances. But, I’m sure they will all be okay. Right?

This title is an ode to Piers Anthony and the Xanth novels. Way back in my teens and twenties, I read a lot of these books. I really enjoyed about the first ten of them. There are 47 at the last count, with the 48th being forthcoming. Anyway, Piers uses a lot of puns in his Xanth books. In my opinion, he now uses way too much. But this chapter title is a play on the saying, “Front and Center.”

Chapter 20 – Goblin Problem

The title “Goblin Problem” refers the the party being captured by the yellow goblins. Plus, there is the fact that yellow goblin would have no qualm about eating any of the boys. Dinner is served!

This is a title that almost rhymes, so I kept it simple.

Chapter 21 – Party On

The title “Party On” refers to everyone being forced to attend a yellow goblin party in Yelve. The only issues are that the women are slaves while the men are locked up in the dungeon.

This title refers to the Saturday Night Live sketches of Wayne’s World, starring Mike Myers and Dana Carvey. They also made two Wayne’s World movies. They would always say, “Party on, Garth” or “Party on, Wayne.” I just shortened it.



Chapter 22 – Time is Running

The title “Time is Running” refers to the party fleeing through the goblin cliff city of Yelve. Will they make it out of there alive?

When I broke away from The Beatles in 1981 (I had only listened to them for two years – no radio), Cheap Trick was one of the bands I listened to a lot. The album One on One came out in 1982 and I bought it right away and played it over and over. One of the songs was “Time is Runnin’.” I simply added the “g” to the end of “Runnin’.”



Chapter 23 – Put One Foot in Front of the Other

The title “Put One Foot in Front of the Other” refers to the party continuing their flight from the yellow goblins. Since they are climbing a treacherous cliff, they need to watch where they put their feet, all while being chased by thousands of yellow goblins.

When I was a child, I couldn’t wait for winter so I could watch all of the Christmas specials that would come on tv. One of my favorites was Santa Claus is Coming to Town. I didn’t even try to alter this chapter title at all. It is perfect, and so is the song from this special.



Epilogue – Who da Blorc are You?

The title “Who da Blorc are You?” is something completely different. You see, when I was writing this book, it originally had two main characters, Maidawn and Shorn. The chapters alternated between these two characters, and introduced the main bad guys of the series. But the book was just too darned big, being around 125,000 words. So, I made the painful decision to break it into two books, each one focusing on one of the characters. Unfortunately, what this meant was that the first book had to end in a cliff hanger and none of the blorc villains are introduced in the first book. I hated to do it, but there was no other way out of it. But don’t worry, it’s all wrapped up in the end of the second book, The Amber Chainmail

So, I created this Prologue to introduce the other two main characters, Shorn Zogstomp, blorc prince of Strudhyne and his best friend and traveling companion, Stench the green goblin. This is a new chapter I wrote just for The Amber Swords and this text does not appear in the second book of The Amber Armor series. I hope that these character intrigue you enough to read the second book. It will be well worth it as it wraps up a lot of things.