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Chapter Names

What Do They Mean?

In The Amber Armor series, I try to come up with names of chapters that are both descriptive  and fun. I may use song names, famous sayings, not famous sayings, quotes from a movie, or just about anything. Each of them have a meaning to me. Some of them don’t come to me right away. Those I think about for hours, usually unhappy with the results.

Anyway, here is a description of each of The Amber Chainmail chapter name and what they mean (to me).

Prologue – The Amber Swords

The title “The Amber Swords” refers to the first book in The Amber Armorseries by the same name.

It is simply a one page description of the first story and the lead-in to the second book in the series.

Chapter 1 – Ebony and Greenery

The title “Ebony and Greenery” refers meeting both Shorn and Stench, the heroes of this book. Shorn is a blorc, which is basically a black orc. So, he is the Ebony. Stench is a Shorn’s best friend even though he is a green goblin. He is the Greenery.

This title was based on the Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder song “Ebony and Ivory.” This is good song that was a massive hit in 1982.


Chapter 2 – A Blorc in Shining Armor

The title “A Blorc in Shining Armor” refers to Shorn receiving his birthday present from his father when he turns 16. His father, King Gridarg Zogstomp, thought it would be funny to give his son a chainmail hauberk (shirt) that wouldn’t fit him. But, when Shorn tried it on, it magically adjusted to fit him. Therefore, he is a blorc in shining armor.

The title was inspired by the old saying “A Knight in Shining Armor.” This saying has been around for a long, long time. It basically means a man (someone who could have been a knight in olden times) who acts in a brave way to help someone.

Chapter 3 – To Blorc or Not to Blorc

The title “To Blorc or Not to Blorc” refers to the story of the human white mage Silvilus Thlem becoming the blorc black mage Reilyk the Red.

This title was inspired by the William Shakepeare play Hamlet. The line is spoken by Prince Hamet and he says, “To be, or not to be.” Act 3, Scene 1. I thought it would be funny to change “Be” to “Blorc.” It works for this chapter.

Chapter 4 – Whip It

The title “Whip It” refers to Shorn getting whipped in the face when he is sparring with another blorc and he has his vision of Maidawn for the first time.

Now, we are talking about on of my favorite bands here. “Whip It” is a very famous song by DEVO. I absolutely love DEVO. Maybe it is my geeky side that likes them, but I think they are terrific.


Chapter 5 – Viperous the Harpy

The title “Viperous the Harpy” refers the meeting of the harpy, Viperous, for the first time. Reilyk the Red has a mission for her and he enticed her with a red ruby necklace. There isn’t much a harpy wouldn’t do for a pretty bauble. 

This one is really simple. She is a new character and I like her name and the character, so I just decided to go descriptive on this one.

Chapter 6 – Who Are You?

The title “Who Are You?” refers Shorn pondering the vision he had of Maidawn. Who is she? Why did he have a vision of her? Why does he feel the need to meet her? 

This title is taken from the famous song by The Who with the same name. It is a great rock song from 1978.


Chapter 7 – Running with the Night

The title “Into the Night” refers the night that Shorn and Stench sneak out and start their journey seeking Maidawn. They right all night across the Febrile Desert hoping to not be seen by other blorcs.

This title came from the song by Lionel Richie in 1983. The song title has the same name.


Chapter 8 – There Be Griffins Here

The title “There Be Griffins Here” refers the griffins in the Knöl Pass that attack Shorn as Stench.

Ah, this title comes from one of my favorite quotes from Montgomery “Scotty” Scott. It is from the wonderful movie Star Trek: The Voyage Home. When he transports two humpback whales onto the Klingon Bird of Prey that the crew is on, he tells Admiral Kirk that “There be whales here!”


Chapter 9 – Bridge Over Troubled Waters

The title “‘Bridge Over Troubled Waters” refers the the gorgeous bridge in the middle of nowhere that Shorn and Stench stumble upon. Of course, this bridge is guarded by four slime trolls. Stench misunderstands and thinks that it is a toll bridge. He isn’t going to like what the trolls want for their toll.

This title is from the wonderful song by Simon and Garfunkel of the same name. I didn’t change anything as the title worked well.


Chapter 10 – Meanwhile, Back at the Castle

The title “Meanwhile, Back at the Castle” refers to what is happening in the blorc city, Strudhyne. In the Brimstone Castle, King Gridarg Zogstomp impatiently waits for Grizill Toefungus (captain of the Black Plague) to return from the the coast. Once the he does return, the king immediately sends him and six members of the Black Plague off to retrieve Maidawn’s two amber sword.

This title has been around in many different formats for quite a while. It has been in books, movies, old-time radio shows, and probably plays too. I simply added the word “Castle” at the end. You can put any location in there that you want.

Chapter 11 – Call Me . . . Maybe

The title “Call Me . . . Maybe” refers to Reilyk the Red calling Viperous on the red ruby necklace she wears. Of course, being a masochist, he made sure that every time he contacts her, the ruby shocks the harpy.

This title was slightly altered by adding the ellipsis, which means to me to hesitate. Since Viperous gets shocked whenever the black mage calls, she would hesistate to actually want to have him contact her. The title is from the smash song “Call Me Maybe” by Carly Rae Jepsen.


Chapter 12 – The Wonky Donkey

The title “The Wonky Donkey” refers Stench’s little grey donkey, Chomper, being tired from all the travel that was suddenly thrust upon him. Shorn realizes that the donkey is not running on all cylinders and needs some extra rest.

This is just a title that I made up. I performed a search for words that rhymed with donkey and wonky fit exactly what was happening with Chomper. Wonky means several things and one of them is to be unsteady, or shaky. It could also mean to not be functioning correctly. It all works for when seeing how Chomper is feeling.

Chapter 13 – Flames of the Flairies

The title “Flame of the Flairies” refers the flames that the flairies spit out when they are playing or when they are roasting their dinner. I guess maybe you should ask what they are having for dinner. I don’t think you will like the answer.

I altered the famous Tchaikovsky song “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies” to a much simpler name. It is a dance for a ballerina and is from the third movement in The Nutcracker pas de deux from 1892.


Chapter 14 – The Lime-Green Flairie

The title “The Lime-Green Flairie” refers to the flairie that Shorn captures. Both her skin and clothing are lime green in color. But, don’t mistake her for a fairy. Her appetite for roasted meat is second to none.

This is simply a descriptive title, but I referenced Disney’s version of J.M. Barrie’s Tinkle Bell when I was thinking about Spck. Of course, flairies are very different from fairies like Tinker Bell. It just so happens that both Tinkerbell’s outfit and all of Spck are the same color, including her skin, clothes, and flame.


Chapter 15 – Blades of Grass

The title “Blades of Grass” refers to the Cayuse Plains. Like the Sherran Hills, these plains are covered with tall, waving grass.

This title is purely descriptive.

Chapter 16 – Unhappy Happy Harpy

The title “Unhappy Happy Harpy” refers to Viperous and the situation she finds herself in. Somehow, the magical spell that Reilyk the Red cast on her to give her never-ending magic has faded. She is tired and hungry, yet her journey is nowhere near complete.

This title just popped into my head. I thought it sounded kinda cool.

Chapter 17 – Spck Trek

The title “Spck Trek” refers to a flashback that Spck has where we get to learn more about the ever-elusive flairies. It seems that her village, Foggyfel, is in the middle of a famine, or at least it semms that way to all of the flairies. Spck and her brother, Slght, have their own little adventure looking for their next meal.

Being a huge Star Trek fan, sorry Star Wars enthusiasts, I just had to nae this chapter after the show that I love so much. After all, she and her brother are also on a trek, looking for food.


Chapter 18 – Ortickz & Poof

The title “Ortickz & Poof” just tickled my funny bone. This title refers to another goblin that is introduced for just this chapter. It also refers to a magical items that he has in his possession.

This title is simply in reference to a character and a magical item. I won’t reveal any more here. Sorry.

Chapter 19 – Ooh, That Smell

The title “Ooh, That Smell” refers to the sulfur smell of a hot spring. 

This title comes from the classic Lynyrd Skynyrd song, “That Smell” from 1977. In the song, they always sing “ooh” before they sing “that smell.” I felt it needed to be in the title.


Chapter 20 – Mission Impossible

The title “Mission Impossible” refers to Viperous’ mission to the Sherran Hills to track down Maidawn. When she isn’t there, she then has to follow her party. Reilyk the Red refuses to tell her what her mission is, and the task seems insurmountable for a harpy. After all, harpies aren’t designed for flying great distances.

This title uses the names of a classic tv show from the 1960’s and the action movies starring Tom Cruise.


Chapter 21 – Ten Little,  Nine Little, Eight Little Goblins

The title “Ten Little, Nine Little, Eight Little Goblins” refers to a battle scene with Shorn and Stench facing off a group ten of yellow goblins.

 This title it derived from the 1868 children’s counting song called “Ten Little Indians.” I remember the song from when I was a kid. I thought it worked well for the goblins.

Chapter 22 – Along the Chasm

The title “Along the Chasm” refers to Shorn and Stench traveling along the top of the Winsome Chasm.

This is a just a descriptive title for this chapter. Nothing fun.

Chapter 23 – In the Hall of the Desert King

The title “In the Hall of the Desert King” refers to the dining hall in Brimstone Castle in Strudhyne where King Gridarg Zogstomp waits angrily for an update.

This title is a play on the classic piece of orchestral music composed by Edvard Grieg in 1875 called “In the Hall of the Mountain King.” I simply replaced “Mountain” with “Desert, since Strudhyne is located in the Febrile Desert.



Chapter 24 – Friend or Foe

The title “Friend or Foe” refers to Zift trying to figure out if Shorn is going to be a friend or an enemy. After all, he is a blorc, and blorcs generally don’t like most other races.

This title comes directly from Adam Ant and his song, “Friend or Foe.” I saw Adam Ant way back in 1982 at the Arlington Theater in Santa Barbara while I was in high school. Great show.


Chapter 25 – I See Dead Things

The title “I See Dead Things” refers to what Viperous sees when she reached the Winsome Chasm.

This title is a take on the classic line from the movie “The Sixth Sense.” When the actor, Haley Joel Osment, whispers, “I see dead people,” it flipped the movie on its ear. This is a great movie starring Bruce Willis.

I replaced “People” with “Things.”


Chapter 26 – All Together Now

The title “All Together Now” refers to the main characters finally meeting and forming one large party.

This title used the name of the Beatles song with the same name. The first time I heard this song, I loved it. Such a fun little song. It’s at the end of the “Yellow Submarine” movie. 


Chapter 27 – Walk This Way

The title “Walk This Way” refers to the now full party walking through the Latibule Forest toward Theliesium’s cottage. They are all getting to know each other.

This title is a direct use of Aerosmith’s awesome song, “Walk This Way.” I saw Aerosmith back in 1984 in Houston, Texas at the old Astrodome. Great show.


Chapter 28 – Spckulation

The title “Spckulation” refers to the rest of the group discovering that Shorn has the flairie, Spck, in a jar one of his saddlebags. They are all facinated by the sight of a creature that is rarely seen.

This title takes the word “Speculation” and changes it to with with Spck’s name.

Chapter 29 – The Hourm Council of Elders

The title “The Hourm Council of Elders” refers to the ring of horaft trees in the middle of the Latibule Forest. The horaft trees are the only indigenous intelligent species originally from the planet Kepler. They call themselves the Hourn.

This ring of trees is called the Hourm Council of Elders, so I simply named this chapter after them. 

Chapter 30 – The Black Plague Cometh

The title “The Black Plague Cometh” refers to the elite fighting group of blorcs that are the King Gridarg Zogstomp’s personal guard. They are lead by their captain, Grizill Toefungus. And yes, he really does have fungus on his toes. Gross!

This title is a play on something I remember hearing somewhere, sometime in my past. I’m sorry I cannot be more specific.  But I like this title, as it sound kind of ominous.

Chapter 31 – Viperous and the Red Ruby

The title “Viperous and the Red Ruby” refers to Viperous finally finishing her task. So, the red ruby should be hers now, right? Let’s hope so, for her sake. She has worked hard to earn it.

This title is just a descriptive title. It is simple and to the point.

Chapter 32 – A Plague of Blorcs

The title “A Plague of Blorcs” refers to the seven blorcs that attack our main heroes.

This chapter title is just a play on their name, The Black Plague.

Chapter 26 – The Cottage in the Woods

The title “The Cottage in the Woods” refers to Theleisium’s little house in the Latibule Forest.

I decided to use the word “Woods” because it sounds better than “Forest.” I have always felt like these two words are interchangeable