The Amber Swords


Sixteen years ago, when the tree branch fell and startled Alizabet the enchantress in her spell-weaving with the wizard Theleisium, the amber magic that was meant to create one savior, split in two. All of that unique magic should have gone into one baby about to be born, but that is not what happened. On that very night when Maidawn of Whails was born of amber magic, another being was also born of that same magic. He would become known as Prince Shorn Zogstomp, first and only son of the current king of Strudhyne, the blorc capital city.

Now, as Maidawn travels across Chelt to reach Theleisium with Alizabet, the welcorg Zift of Whails (Maidawn’s brother), the Yellowbeard Dwarf Thorfrn Throkreaver, the elf scout Cyereth of House Párrïgê, and the centaur Brauryndor Freaster of House Aunkshar du Hapleringer (known as Braunk), Shorn was having his own adventures with his best friend, Stench, a rather smelly green goblin.

This is their story.